
Fukaya city's charactor competition

Fukaya city's charactor competition.
A leek brother Fusshi Kasshi Yasshi. The reason why I made a leek brother is because the city is famous for a leek.
I made a story the brother and their farmer.

フッシ カッシ ヤッシ ネギで有名なのでネギ兄弟とおじいさんおばあさん農家のお話をつくりました


welcome board

大学の友達二人分のウエルカムボード 幸せのお手伝いの依頼をされるのはうれしいものです

2welcome board which is for wedding ceremony and reception.
I made them 2 friends, both are my universities' .
I am glad that I can assist of their happiness.